Ever wondered or wished there was a word to describe the light shining through the trees or a person who buys books upon books but never gets the chance to read them? Well Other-Wordly tells us that yes there is!
This book has gorgeous illustrations that I poured over as much as the words. The words in themselves were gorgeous though and I loved reading them all and discovering their meanings. There are so many that I want to try and slip into conversation now.
I think this book makes for a stunning gift and one that I think people will be proud to show off on their shelves and tell people about. I actually brought this book into work with me and took great pleasure in telling everyone at work about all the different words there were.
This book also got me thinking of the Danish word Hygge which cannot be translated into one word in English but means enjoying life's simple pleasures.
Other-Wordly is such a little treat of a book and if you are stuck on things to get someone then this would make a brilliant Christmas gift.

Other-Wordly is available from Foyles
Curl up with a cup of Twinings Tea!

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