Blog Tour: The Last Thing I Remember by Deborah Bee
Title: The Last Thing I Remember
Author: Deborah Bee
Published: 25th February 2016
Publisher: twenty7
Today brings my stop on the tour for The Last Thing I Remember by Deborah Bee. I am delighted to be sharing a guestpost from Deborah on her early writing and reading. I am so excited to get reading with this one, so look out for my review very soon. Don't forget to check out the other stops on the tour.

Early writing and reading- Deborah Bee
My Mum and Dad used to read us stories every night before we went to sleep. I did that with my children too. When we were old enough – I guess I was 4 or 5 - we were given pocket money in order to try to limit our sweet intake. We had enough money to buy three bags of sweets
per week. An Enid Blyton paperback was the equivalent to two bags of sweets. So I would buy one bag and a book every week, then have to play chess or Risk with my brother in order to get some of his sweets.
I must have read every Enid Blyton book there is. I still have them all. The Faraway Tree series is still the best children’s story ever – even though it sounds old-fashioned, I still buy it for children all the time. The Slippery Slip and Moonface and Tin Pan Man and Silky and Google buns and Toffee Shocks – I remember them all vividly.
We visited to the town library once a week. I went through phases – historical fiction was big for a while. The Bronte sisters had a moment. Jane Austen too. But my all-time favourite as an older child was Tom’s Midnight Garden – it has just about the best ending ever – I do love a surprise twist.
I re-read The Narnia series to my children and I was disappointed that they weren’t all as good as The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. When I read them as a child, I simply didn’t want them to ever end.
I also loved (still love) To kill a mockingbird – which I also read to my children, when they were about 8. I had to leave out anything to do with racism and rape, as obviously that wouldn’t have been suitable for them. But since that’s what it’s all about, it must have seemed like an odd story. They still hid under the covers every time Boo Radley made an appearance and they screamed when the children were attacked at the end. Scarred for life. Probably.
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