Author: Hannah Emery
Published: 18th February 2016
Publisher: HarperImpulse
Hello All! Today's post brings my stop on the Blog Tour for Hannah Emery's The Secrets of Castle du Reve. Isn't that cover just stunning! I am delighted to be able to share with you an interview Hannah talking about her book and writing process.
1. Does the book follow on from Secrets in the Shadows?
A lot of people ask me this. The logical answer is no. The Secrets of Castle du Reve has new characters, a new fictional setting and new plot. And yet…in a way, I suppose for me, it does follow on, because it explores the next chapter of life. I feel like it deals more with motherhood and adult relationships than Secrets in the Shadows.
2. Do you believe in the kind of love at first sight experienced by the women in The Secrets of Castle du Reve?
Yes, I do. I think you can fall in love when you first see somebody. It doesn’t even have to be romantic love. I have friends that as soon as I saw, I thought, I’m going to love you! But I don’t think love at first sight is the only kind of love possible. I think slow-burner love is just as valuable.
3. Why do you write novels that switch from the past to the present?
Novels that switch between timelines are my favourite books to read. I love thinking about how the past has affected what is happening right now. I’m really into family history and I think about my ancestors a lot. I would love to meet them and talk about how different our lives are. So much has changed, but those universal things like love, friendship, motherhood and death will always make us feel exactly the same way. That fascinates me.
4. Who is your favourite character in the book?
I love them all! But for some reason I feel mostly drawn towards Victoria. I think characters are like people – you just feel a connection with some more than others. I also think her era (the 1960s) is one that appeals to me. It doesn’t seem that long ago so it’s easy to relate to, but at the same time things were so different then – especially for women.
5. How do you find time to write?
I wish the notion of ‘finding time’ were true! If only you could come across some extra time in a pocket or a bag! I have two young children, a job and family and friends who I wish I could see much more of. I write at night, because I want to, and that’s all I can do for now. But I wouldn’t change it because I love everything else that I do.
6. What are you reading at the moment?
I’m reading Kitty Peck and the Music Hall Murders. It’s brilliant. I have so many samples on my Kindle though. I’m about 50% through Kitty. Once I’m done, I’ll read some samples and buy a few more books. I get so excited about choosing my next book!

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