Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Blog Tour: Dumplin' by Julie Murphy

Title: Dumplin'
Author: Julie Murphy
Published: 28th January 2016
Publisher: Harper360

Today I am delighted to be part of the epic blog tour for Dumplin' by Julie Murphey. Today I am sharing my review with you and a chance to win 1 of 5 copies at the bottom of this post! Don't forget to stop by all the other awesome blogs that are on this tour for some other great content.

When Dumplin' came across my book radar, it was one of those books that I just knew I had to read, and I was not disappointed.
Dumplin' introduces us to the amazing Willowdean, nicknamed Dumplin' by her pageant winning Mum; she has very quickly become one of those characters that I would like to meet in real life. Her thoughts make so much sense, having a bikini body literally means putting a bikini on your body; why should it mean anything else?
Every about this just felt so positive and in particular body image positive. This also doesn't just focus on weight, it speaks of all types of body confidence and I was in awe of Will's own confidence. She sticks up for herself and her friends and doesn't cower away from bullies. No she isn't confident all of the time and we see this in her insecurities about her body occasionally, but then every girl, no matter what shape or size feels body conscious at one point in time. But the point is, she wants to be happy in her body, she doesn't want to feel that she has to change what she looks like to fit in and this is what I loved most about her. I wish even now that I had this kind of thinking, especially when I was 16. 
I loved the romance side to Dumplin' too as it was awkward and SO realistic! Films and books lead us to believe that the start of relationships are all soppy and clean, but they aren't always like this and Julie portrays all this really well.
The other relationship aspect I must talk about here are the friendships. The deep rooted friendships that Willow has with Ellen and three other girls that join the pageant following on from Will's lead. I liked these friendships the best as it shows them being there for each other and standing up for one another and giving each other the confidence that you need in friendships and growing up. What I also loved about this type of friendship were there were of girls that very rarely take centre stage in novels. They are the outcasts, the misfits, the ones always at the edge of every social circle and we don't get to know them. Julie has changed this and we get to see that they are just as brave and feel they have the right to enter the pageant, just as much as any other girl. Julie also shows though that friendships aren't always perfect and there will be jealousy and fallings out .
Dumplin' was a super cute read that gives you a much needed breath of fresh air from all the stereotypes of what is deemed perfect in the real world. It is empowering and feel good and I loved it.


To enter to win 1 of 5 copies of Dumplin' by Julie Murphy, enter via rafflecopter below. UK Only.


  1. Hi Laura, Great giveaway, thank you. I'd love to win a copy of this, it has the most amazing cover and there is so much love for it on Twitter that I have to see for myself what its all about.

  2. Great giveaway. Always looking to try out new authors. Thanks for the chance.


  3. It sounds different from the ordinary run of books so I fancy giving it a try

  4. Sounds like a good book, and I like reading good books!
