Title: The White Rose
Author: Amy Ewing
Published: 1st October 2015
Publisher: Walker Books
Heads up: Do not read the synopsis if you don't want spoilers!
Despite my grumble about the synopsis of this giving TOO much away, this was another fast-paced gripping instalment for the Lone City trilogy.
The Jewel had left us with an incredible cliffhanger that had me racing to start book two, which thankfully I was able to do as I started this series late and I literally raced through book two. It was another unputdownable story.
The White Rose answers a few of the questions that we had from book one and a lot more became clearer. We also get more background into some of the key characters and it seems that no one is safe in the Lone City. I must admit there was one revelation that left me feeling a tiny bit underwhelmed. I think I was expecting something bigger and the pace of the story did slow a bit. However it very quickly picked up as well as the action, so not all was lost.
I think what makes this story so all consuming is the characters. They each have their own struggles and very definitive personality traits that you can't help but build a natural affinity with them. The relationships between them just feel so real and almost palpable. There are strong emotions between them and you know they would do anything for one another. They are basically just irresistible.
True to form, we are left yet again with an OMG I need to read the next book now cliffhanger. I HAVE to find out what is going to happen next. BUT I have to wait until next year! Argh this is going to be hard, especially as last time I had the luxury of diving straight into the second book.
But all is not entirely lost, if you don't know already there is a short novella called The House of the Stone out now (it was out before book two, but just in case you didn't know). This is written in Raven's point of view, which I have of course already read and will have a review for soon.
Another taut, fast paced, riveting instalment from Amy Ewing, that will literally have you begging for more.
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