Author: Sarah Crossan
Published: 27th August 2015
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's
Every now and then I come across a book that leaves me feeling utterly blown away by what I have just read and this is exactly how One left me feeling.
One is a beautiful, emotionally charged story of conjoined twins Grace and Tippi. This is something that you only ever hear about in the news or very rarely see, so for Sarah to write a story from the perspective of conjoined twins actually opened my eyes to a world that I am ashamed to say I had not given much thought to.
What Sarah does so well is that she writes this in the view of one of the conjoined twins, Grace. By doing this she gets across that Tippi and Grace, although conjoined, are individuals in their own right and deserve to be treated as so. I definitely understand the decision to do this as I don't think it would have come across as well if written in duel points of view.
Written in verse, One is the epitome of an unputdownable read. Initially upon opening this, I was a bit unsure whether I was going to like the writing style, but I don't think the powerfulness and the strong emotions would have come across so well. There is an unbelievably strong theme of underlying love in One; Grace and Tippi are there for each other more than the rest of us could be and it melted my heart.
The amount of care and attention to detail that has gone into this story is almost palpable. One is written so well, that the story feels real. I feel like I know Grace personally and that she could appear at any moment, her character has been crafted with such love and awareness. I definitely learnt a lot from this, not just about conjoined twins, but looking at the world in another perspective from your own and seeing and feeling things that they do.
I honestly think that this is a story that everyone should take the time to read, as without wanting to sound clichéd, this is a book that will stay with long after you finished reading.

One is out now!

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