Monday, 14 September 2015

Book Review: It Started at Sunset Cottage by Bella Osborne

TitleIt Started at Sunset Cottage
Author: Bella Osborne
Published: 27th August 2015
Publisher: Harper Impulse

I was very quickly taken in by the gorgeousness of this cover, which I do believe has changed slightly, but using the cover that I have.

The main character Kate, an author has had a really awful time, losing her fiance and becoming widowed and has been hiding herself away from the world. But things are about to chance as one of her books is being turned into a Hollywood movie and gives her the chance to escape to the Cotswolds and help write the screenplay and she finds out that Hollywood A lister Timothy Calder is going to be the leading man in her book! After a shaky start between them, will Kate find friendship at Sunset Cottage?

This is a read that will sweep you up pretty quickly and effortlessly. Bella's writing is lovely, it is so easy to imagine the characters and the setting and I liked the different character's points of view as it gave the story a good rounding. The storyline was also something that I found interesting with Kate's book being turned into a film and the process of that. I also liked the main characters, although thought Kate's friend Sarah was a bit crazy, but did feel sorry for her. Also although this story has an emotional undertone, the overall feel of the book is lighthearted with some funny moments slotted in.
However although enjoyable, I did think that this story could have been wrapped up about 100 pages before it was, as some parts of it seemed a little bit unnecessary and one of the main characters started to annoy me slightly. I found that the pace of the story started to slow down the further I got in and my interest started to wane. This was a shame because the story started off so well and I was going to give this 4 stars. 

Overall a great start with a great storyline, just needed to continue the fast pace that there was at the beginning.


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