The lovely Sophie from Reviewed the Book, Suze from Librarian Lavender have yet again come up with another brilliant reading challenge that I have decided to participate in. This time it is spread over the three months of summer and will be a chance for me to really tackle my TBR pile.
So onto the books...
As I am sure is the case with many book lovers there are just LOADS of books on my TBR pile that I want to read NOW, but just have not manage to get round to them all. So I looked at all the books on my TBR pile that had just been crying out to be read and it totaled at 40.
My hardbacks/big books
Because of my train commute to work and not having the biggest of bags, my hardback/big books usually get pushed to one side for a time when I won't be commuting. This is because they are just too heavy for me to carry from my home into London, so I tend to put these to one side and try and save them for the weekend. There are a few on here that I should have read ages ago like That Girl From Nowhere by Dorothy Koomson, Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke and Day Four. Also I have been meaning to read Uprooted ever since I got it and have heard it described as Disney for Adults so I must get my read on with that! I was also so excited to get asked to review The Sunlit Night and Watchmaker from Bloomsbury so they are both keen to read books. And I can't not mention The Quality of Silence by Rosamund Lupton. Was psyched to get this book and I am part of the blog tour for it, so this one will definitely be read.
YA Books
I am of course a massive fan of Young Adult Books so of course these are the books that I am most excited to read! Having loved Half Bad, I bought Half Wild as soon as it came out, but because I always put review copies first I still have not read it! When I took part in Ninja Book Swap back in Feb, the lovely Charlene got me Apple and Rain, which again is another book I have been meaning to read for ages. I have quite a few books from Hot Key Books to read thanks to their awesome Blogger Brunch I went to. Also have heard from Sophie of Reviewed the Book that she is dying to talk about Only We Know so she has pushed that one up my TBR pile. I also have three from Harper360 and I know this is bad, but they kind of sent a slightly pressurising email to all their bloggers that we have to read these books otherwise it's not worth their time. I totally get this, but it's kind of put me off reading them which is why they are still on the TBR but hopefully this challenge will encourage me to read them.
All other books

I so enjoyed paperback April but I'm travelling round a lot this summer holidays so k don't know how many paperbacks I'll bd able to take with me-I also have a masters assignment to do-Grr! I got that same email from harper 360 but then didn't get any books so felt the pressure for no reason! Look forward to reading your reviews of these as I'm dying to read the new Laura Dockrill especially!
ReplyDeleteI missed out on that one as had a lot on, so hoping to make a dent with this one. Argh that's annoying but hat obviously has to come first. Good luck with it! That's even more annoying that they didn't even send any books! Oh well as least the pressure is off! I am excited for that one too, hopefully will get round to ti soon! x
DeleteOoh what a stack of loveliness! I've read How I Lost You, Apple & Rain and The Sin Eaters daughter. Good luck and i hope you read them all X
ReplyDeleteThanks Gill, Argh wish I could just read them all now! x