To celebrate this year’s London Book and Screen Week, which is taking place next week, five top authors will be revealing their favourite books about London on seven top blogs over seven days, as part of the first ever ‘London Book & Screen Week Blog Tour’ and I am so excited to be hosting the lovely Amanda Prowse, author of Poppy Day and her latest book A Mother's Story.
This year, London Book & Screen Week will be taking place from 13th – 19th April, uniting readers, writers, gamers and film fans, with hundreds of events taking place across the capital that celebrate stories and the written word in all its forms. Events are listed at:
The other stops on this wonderful tour are listed below, so please do stop by their blogs as well.
Read on for Amanda's favourite books about London.
Amanda Prowse on London
1. Mary Poppins by PL Travers – a lovely, sanitized slice of Victorian life that gives a sugar coated glimpse at The Suffragette movement, class structure and parenting skills!
2. Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf - an upper-class housewife, walks through her London neighbourhood to prepare for the party she will host that evening. Full of tension, mystique and simmering energy for all that is unrequited.
3. White Teeth by Zadie Smith – this wonderful intertwining of two cultures set in the London of my childhood. I LOVE this book.
My favourite place to read in London
…is on any night bus. Many is the time I have read in the brightly lit interior of a bus as it chugs along the darkened streets, allowing tantalizing glimpses into homes lit from within and adding an air of adventure and romanticism to whatever tale I might be lost in.
My favourite on-screen adaption is
David Lean’s Great Expectations. I can watch it over and over. John Mills as Pip and Alec Guinness as Herbert Pocket have become the faces I see when I think of these characters. It is an extraordinary film that I have loved, woman and child.
Amanda’s latest novel, A Mother’s Story, is out now:

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