2014 has been a pretty epic year bookwise. I have had the opportunity to read some seriously amazing books and go to some brilliant book events! I have also been really privileged to meet some fantastic authors and bloggers. I have really had fun this year, what with my Goodreads Challenge of reading 110 books, which I nearly didn't make and getting to chat to other wonderful book lovers. Even though my blog was started back in 2013 I think 2014 was it's best year. I had a really wonderful blog redesign, which I adore and I have gained loads of fantastic followers, whether on Twitter facebook or right here on this blog. It still amazes me and I'm so thankful for all the support I have had throughout the year. I really hope that this time next year I will be writing a very similar post :). So lets look back:
My Favourite books of 2014
I really could not break these down into top 5 or 10 or 20, so here are my favourite reads of 2014. (Click on their titles for my reviews).
15. The Story of Us by Dani Atkins
Books With Bite
At the start of the year I got invited to my very first book event that was with the wonderful Hodder Childrens. I remember feeling so nervous as I didn't know anyone there and didn't really know what to expect. I had nothing to worry about though and it was thanks to Hodder that I was introduced to the Ah-mazing Slated series and got to meet the incredible Teri Terry. It was definitely a great start to the year :). Read more here: Books with Bite Launch
The Lie of You by Jane Lythell Book Launch
Thanks to the incredible publisher that is Head of Zeus I got to go to The Lie of You launch in Waterstones Brighton. Not only did I get to meet the wonderful Jane, who wrote the chilling The Lie of You, but I got to meet loads of the HoZ team and Becci in particular. Becci (who has now gone travelling for the year- lucky thing!) was the lovely lady that gave bloggers awesome books to read. You can read my review here: The Lie of You and read more about the launch here: Launch
Penguin bloggers Night
This was another incredible event I was invited but at the last minute I sadly could not go due to illness. I was gutted but was thankful that I had invited lovely blogger Zarina from Page to Stage Reviews to go and you can read more about the event here: Bloggers Night
Ghostwritten book launch
Not long after the above event, Zarina really kindly returned the favour and invited me to go along to the Ghostwritten book launch by Isabel Wolff. This was the first time that I got to see Zarina in Person and we really hit it off and have been friends ever since :). Read more about the launch here: Ghostwritten
Blog One year Old
My blog reached its first milestone this year by becoming one year old. I said it now and I will say it countless times again, having a book blog is one of the best things I have ever done. You can look back to the celebration here: One Year Old
The One Hundred Year Old Man film screening
This event was a serious novelty for me as I have never been invited to a film screening before. This film was based on the book The One Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared. Although the book was obviously better, I still enjoyed the film. Read more here: Film Screening
Where Love lies by Julie Cohen Book Launch
This was one of the best events I got to go to this year. Julie Cohen's Where Love Lies Book Launch. I was INCREDIBLY nervous about this one as again I found myself going when I didn't know anyone. Seems silly but I always get nervous when going to these events by myself. Anyway, I was silly as I honestly had the BEST time. I got to meet Julie Cohen (Obviously) and loads of other amazing authors like Carole Matthews, Rowen Coleman and Hannah Beckerman. Was buzzing for ages afterwards. Read more here: Where Love Lies
Blog Makeover
I had been wanting to change my blog design for ages, but could never find anything that I truly wanted to stick with, so when I came across Magic Feather Designs thanks to Jody from A Spoonful of Happy Endings, I knew I was going to fall in love with the design. And that's how my blog shall stay for the forseeable future :)
I didn't blog about these events sadly but I got to go to Head of Zeus new authors event and the Station Eleven book launch by Emily St. John Mandel which was awesome.
The Girl in the Photograph by Kate Riordan Owlpen Manor weekend
I think this event was the best book event I got invited to this year. Me and some other brilliant bloggers got to go to Owlpen Manor in Stroud, Gloucestershire to meet Kate Riordan. We got to go here as Owlpen Manor was where Kate had set her book. We got to stay in one of the beautiful cottages there, get shown around the grounds and have a fabulous dinner. Amazing! Read more here: Owlpen Manor Weekend.
Penguin's Annual Fiction Showcase
This wonderful event was at the incredible Foyles Bookstore. Here we got to see some great new titles coming out from Penguin General over the coming year. We got to take some books home with us and listen to some great readings from the authors there. Read more here: Annual Showcase
Penguin Women's Fiction Evening
It was thanks again to awesome Zarina that I got to go to this event and it was fantastic! We got to meet amazing women's authors like Jojo Moyes, Giovanna Fletcher, Jane Shemilt, Lucy Robinson, Sinead Moriarty and many more. I also got to meet lovely bloggers Bronagh from Handwritten and Rea from ReaBookReview. Both truly lovely ladies who I hope to meet again this year. A fantastic event to end the year on. Read more here: Women's Fiction Event
So 2014 was a fantastic year and not just for books! I am seriously grateful for all the support I get for my blog. It makes blogging all the more worthwhile. I am excited to see what 2015 has in store :)

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