Author: Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg
Published: 15th January 2015
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Having loved the Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules, I was really looking forward to meeting The League of Pensioners again and see what they would get up to this time!
Although you could probably read this as a stand alone novel, if you have not read the The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules, I still recommend you read that one first as that will put this one into context.
Just like the first book, The League of Pensioners get up to all sorts of crazy criminal activity and just like last time, it is all for a good cause.
Martha- the brains behind The League of Pensioners definitely stood out as my favourite character this time as she comes up with some fantastic criminal plans. I think I shall aspire to be like Martha when I'm older, but maybe wouldn't quite get away with the things that she does! It was fun reading as even though The League of Pensioners carry out some truly brilliant crimes, they do have a habit of getting themselves into a bit of a pickle and can be a bit forgetful! Once again though I loved that this book gets across that you should NEVER underestimate a pensioner!
Although I still enjoyed reading this, The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules is still my favourite as it was all new and hadn't read anything like it before. However this book was still a really fun read, it made me laugh loads and there was one point where I did actually go "Awww" as something that I wanted to happen in the last book happened in this one.

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