Author: Carole Matthews
Published: 23rd October 2014
Publisher: Sphere
I do love Carole Matthews stories so was excited to get stuck into her latest offering The Christmas Party.
As the title of the book says, this book focuses around a Christmas Party and a work Christmas party to be exact. Fossil Oil have gone all out this year; their employees are in for a treat or so they think.
With my own office Christmas Party coming up, I was looking forward to losing myself in another office Christmas party's antics. Thankfully my office doesn't get quite as crazy as this one!
Even though the actual Christmas Party only lasts one evening, we learn a lot about each of the main characters. Focusing on Louise, Kirsten and Melissa, we get their alternating stories and how they interlink and overlap and how their position or their husbands positions in the company affect their lifestyles.
I warmed to Louise the most out of the three ladies, but I was more into Melissa and Kirsten's stories. And as the Christmas Party got into full swing we get to know even more about them and others from Fossil Oil. As I read on, I got really involved in their stories. I did find Tyler, Louise's boss an absolutely abhorrent character, so was very much hoping he would get what was coming to him whilst reading.
Even though a lot of the goings on at the party were very dramatic, they were totally plausible. I could imagine them happening at my office Christmas party!
I must admit, I did think this book was going to have a more cosy Christmassy feel to it, so I was a teeny tiny bit disappointed that it wasn't. However that isn't to say that I didn't enjoy it. I loved the drama and seeing what each character was thinking in relation to event that happened, and a lot of the time being blissfully unaware of certain events!
Not quite the cosy, festive read I was expecting, but definitely an enjoyable read full of drama and scandal around the Christmas season.

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