Author: Christina Mercer
Published: 31st May 2014
Publisher: Christina Mercer
My love of all things magical, mythical and honey bee inspired me to create this story. And I’d never read anything quite like it! I also wanted to incorporate a romantic element and set in a place I know well (the foothills of California), as well as a place I envisioned in mind (an ancient Greek isle).
2. What compelled you to write in the fantasy genre?
I’ve been a fantasy nerd since I can remember. I was one of those little girls with a room full of stuffed unicorns, homemade crowns, and an endless imagination. I get excited about mythology (especially mythology that focuses on nature) as well, and so tying ancient myths with my fairy-tale brain compelled (and still compels me) to write the stories I do.
3. What did you enjoy the most about writing Honey Queen?
I loved writing in the first person POV of a teenage girl, as it really connected me to her character. I had fun with the romantic elements and also giving her a unique friend (you’ll have to read it to meet Boyd :-)). And I totally enjoyed weaving in facts and lore about honey bees throughout the story.
4. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself.
I write fiction for children and teens and was lucky enough to have two of my books honored—Arrow of the Mist was a Semi-Finalist in the Amazon Breakout Novel Award and took Honorable Mention in a Writer’s Digest Award, and Honey Queen took Writer’s Best of Show at an SCBWI Regional Conference. Both books were also recently nominated in the IndieReCon Live Awards. In addition to writing, I am also an accountant, a hobbyist beekeeper, and an herbalist. A few other random facts: I adore dogs, I don’t eat mammals, and I drink tea by the gallons.
5. What do you like the most about being an author?
It is a job where passion meets creation meets fulfillment. And no matter how many years I do this, it never EVER gets boring!
6. Where is your favourite place to write?
I tend to write better in a quiet environment and I love, love, LOVE plenty of tea, hot or cold, always nearby. Usually, I write in a sitting area of my bedroom where I can look out a window at the trees. I have a table with my laptop and basic supplies plus any notes, outlines or storyboards I’m using.
7. Do you have any other books planned?
Yes, I have a couple of projects going at the moment that I am excited about. One is a Young Adult Paranormal about a teen girl mixed up in a dangerous brew of family dysfunction, a murderous coven, and love. The other project is a fun co-authored Science Fiction geared toward the New Adult audience.
8. Where can others connect with you?

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