Monday, 19 May 2014


Hello Lovelies!

I cannot believe my blog is ONE YEAR OLD TODAY! Where has the time actually gone?! This time one year ago today, it was a Sunday and I had finally decided that today was the day that I would set up my book blog. I had been thinking of doing a blog one year even before that and I did set it up, but I just never kept up with it and it didn't have a specific niche. It was a basically a blog for my ramblings, so this next blog was going to be all about books.

I honestly didn't think my blog would go very far. I thought I would write a few reviews and no one would really pay much attention to them, but I hadn't banked on the awesomeness that is twitter. I already had a twitter account with about 50 or so followers and following most things book related, so I started to get recommendations on who to follow and a lot of these were bloggers like me, so I started to follow them. It's hard to describe exactly, but twitter opened me up to a world crammed full of book reading fanatics just like me, who to be perfectly honest, I didn't know existed. I never really knew anyone that liked reading books just as much as me and here I was right in the middle of this amazing community full of book lovers, authors, publishing houses and the people that worked for them.

It probably sounds silly, but suddenly my life felt fuller, more full of purpose and I actually started to feel happier than I had done in ages. I have met online and some now offline fantastic people from all over the world since I started my blog. I have also read some incredible books that I definitely would not have read let alone even heard about if it wasn't for blogging. The people I met through twitter also kept me motivated to keep at my blog. Keep writing those reviews and reading those books and that's a big reason why I am still writing my blog one year later. I admit there have been times where I have felt like giving it up as it is like having a second job sometimes, but it is more than a job, it is fun and enjoyable and I'm more than sure I will be writing a similar post this time next year.

So to say thank you to all the wonderful people that I have met and supported me throughout the year I am of course doing a GIVEAWAY! And it is of course INTERNATIONAL so everyone can enter :D

With thanks to some lovely authors I am giving away the following books (click on their images to find out more)


Physical Books

Many thanks to the authors that provided a copy of their book. I will be featuring some of them during the week :D.

So if you want to win all of the above lovely books, just enter via rafflecopter below. I will pick a winner on Tuesday 27th May. Good luck!


  1. Amazing giveaway Laura! Congrats on your 1 year of blogging too! :D xx

  2. yay!! A big congrats xx

  3. happy birthday to your lovely blog and may you still be writing it in 5 years time.
    Gill x

  4. Happy Blogversary!!!! I'm not entering the giveaway but wanted to drop by and say congrats!!!

  5. Congrats!
    Happy 1 Blogoversary,and wishing you many more! :)
    Thank you for the amazing giveaway :)

  6. Congratulations on your blogoversary and here's to a another year!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  7. Wow, thanks for this awesome giveaway hun :) and HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY xxx

  8. YAY! HAPPY 1 YEAR OF BLOGGING hun! I agree, life is better and fuller since I started blogging too, met so many fab people (friends), thanks for the fab giveaway too XX

  9. Amazing giveaway, happy blogoversary :) x

  10. Ah Ana is brilliant! It's nice to meet you via the blogosphere

  11. Congratulations on your one year anniversary, I love your blog!

  12. Congrats Laura!! I didn't know it's only been a year for you too ;)
    Keep up the great work.

  13. So thrilled to be a part of your giveaway, Laura! Congrats on your first year!!! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you and your lovely blog! xoxo

    1. Thanks so much T.S. I really cannot thank you enough for helping out with my blogoversary. I really appreciate it :) xxxx

  14. Congratulations on your blogaversary! I'm a recent new follower in bloglovin'. It is always great to hear what people think about books they are reading!

    1. Thank you! I agree, it's great to hear other people's thoughts on books and even better when they like the same books as you!

  15. Happy Blogversary!
    Thanks for the amazing INT giveaway!

  16. Happy blogoversary - great giveaway

  17. Happy happy blogoversary! :)

  18. Please put me into the draw xx
